Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Playgrounds, dinners, museums

Playground time in Manhattan after a break in the rain showers. We had a great time on the teeter-totter and Eric discovered he could balance all on his own.

A sunny afternoon at Dolores Park in San Francisco.

After lunch in Dolores Park Eric helped Dadda gear up for a moutain bike ride.

Dinner date and play time at Kai & Dukes house. Thanks for a great dinner out Betty B!

Kai was teaching Aaron how to take photos with my Blackberry. Aaron still has no idea how to do it and I am wondering why I have 5 pictures of this 5 year old on my phone.

An exhibit at the De Young Museum, a fab Friday night family night complete with a visit to the tour, Yves St Laurent, Bouquet of Arts, and music all crammed into the attention span of a two year