Saturday, April 30, 2011

Silly Mommy for sure

Momma is going to have to bring up the commitment level a bit when it comes to getting out on those weekend runs. Why? Because somehow my name was drawn to run this event

and the Nike Women's Marathon (did I really put my name in for the FULL on purpose? Silly Mommy! What was I thinking!)

What this means is that I am going to have to get back into running with the kids. Eric has been in the baby jogger many times over his 4.5 years. Noah, hasn't logged as much time in the jogger partially because we live in a super flat place and I can run with in the "rockstar" stroller. Yes we have a multitude if wheeling choices that take over the garage so much that we can't get the car in.

One of those wheeled options is Eric's bike. So for the first time I took him with on a run while he road his push bike. I knew 5 miles was ambitious but had a planned stop at the beach and potentially the the park. He did great and we had a few races between stop signs. After our stop at the park I did some cross training. Because Eric was pooped I put him on my back piggy-back style and clasped the mini-push bike in my fists for the 6 blocks we had left. We both had a blast!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Biker party in Monterey

CLIF sponsors the "kick-off-bike-event of the season each year called Sea Otter Classic. This is not just bike racing but a celebration of everything bike. It draws every kind of biker (well, the ones without motors) from many different walks of life. In 2005 Momma, reluctantly agreed to join the CLIF office mountain biking team (complete rookie amateurs mind you). At the time I was pushing my comfort zone riding some single track and trying to learn some new skills. I am great climber and can ride forever so I thought "sure I can deal in cross-country race". Then I was told each team member had to do this "not very" technical downhill course. Any amount of technical is too much technical for me and then add the word downhill and that is TROUBLE. But I couldn't get out of it. I signed the dotted line and I was in. Five minutes before my turn at the starting gate I lean in and tell my fellow CLIFmate, Inger, that there is slight chance I could be pregnant (reminder this was in 2005)and that if I was it was so early it couldn't even be confirmed but I had suspicion and I was right! Six months later Eric was born and we hadn't been back to Sea Otter until this spring.

Bringing our bike-loving-boys back here felt like a pilgrimage. This time the only person who brought his bike was Eric and he rocked the trails like and expert. With out even a glance in our direction he was off!

There isn't a more family-friendly,down-to-earth event than this, and for our family no better way to mix business with pleasure. The reason we went was because Momma(me) was giving a nutrition seminar at the ladies day.

CLIF threw a rockin party with our in-house CLIF band, the Dung Beetles, and all the Pyramid and CLIF BAR wine you could drink.

Noah and Eric rocked out to the music and kept energy levels high with breaks for snacks.

Eric is a true fan of CLIF SHOT bloks and made himself at home in the booth recharging on them. He needed them too because he spent four hours in the super slide, Lightening McQueen bounce house slide!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

First ski lesson & over night

A couple of weeks ago we headed about to Squaw Valley Ski resort with the CLIF gang and had a blast despite their being SO much snow that the couldn't even open a quarter of the mountain while the tried to deal with it and the fact that the wind was gusting between 30-75mph. I have never been nervous on a ski lift before that is not until I experienced what must have been 75mph gust while I was on the chair by myself. Whoooeee, it was rockin like a cradle and grab the bar.

I still managed to enjoy the snow and so did Eric. He got out on skis for his first ever formal lesson. He was a half done in the morning, Eric's high time for vigor and verve. When we dropped him off they whisked him away in a sea of snow gear, instructors and fellow classmates. His lower lip protruded out ever so slightly as did mean. "No see ya later or have a good time" just mid waiver signature and he was off.

He did great! With the truest sign of success being that he was happy and smiling when I picked up at noon and couldn't wait to get his gear back on. He was particularly excited to have his own helmet and goggles. I think that was actually the best part about the whole thing to him. It as also a bonus that he new is fellow ski classmates, Liam and Sara, from CLIF School Base Camp.

Below are some pictures of the preparations. I didn't get any of the actually skiing because heck if I was going to release my fingers from the warmth of my mittens while out there. Plus, I was busying skiing as much as I could with Aaron during Eric's class time.

There were zero complaints with the multiple layers and gear. Amazing really.
Like father, like son. Eric told me that his jacket was very "similar to Daddy's". First time I have ever heard him use the word similar. He really picks up on everything and anything we say!

"Daddy, this is how you strap on your boots. See, like me Daddy."

Eric and Logan (Base Camp buddy) tromping through the condo in our ski boots and having a great time.

During all of this action Noah was having his first overnight with Oma & Opa. This means his first night away from Eric, Momma & Dadda all at this same time. He did great and use his charming ways to work his way into Oma & Opa's California king (bed).I knew Momma wasn't the only one they couldn't resist.

Noah after we got home enjoying the water, dirt, and mud out our back door after all the heavy rains.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Papa Ralph!!

Cut and past the the link below into your browser for birthday wishes from the grand-kids!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dancing innate. Rhythm.....

Noah loves music and so does his best school buddy Taavi. Taavi's signature move is the deep knee bends and Noah's the expansive hip swings, which can really get going at times. Here they swap dance moves and groove to the "monkey" song, a fan favorite.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Happy St. Patricks Day Guys