Playing in the snow is one Mom and Dad's favorite past times and Eric was as eager to hit the slopes as we were. He even got to see snow fall for the first time and had a prime condo location right on the ski run where he good see all the snow related action: skiers whizzing buy,people waving on the chair lift, and the snow plow all right outside our door.
This location, courtesy of the Clif Company ski weekend, was also much appreciated by Mom and Dad because it made maximizing ski time very simple.
Every time he saw the Gondola he would exclaim "eeeh,eeh" and give his signature hand gesture as if to say "taa daaa". He even got to ride in the Gonodola on the way to the Clif dinner at mid-mountain.
His curious face is him trying to figure the gondola-ride-thing out. "What do you mean we get in it?" Not quite sure what to make it yet. He had a great time at the mid mountain party with all his clif buddies.
He wasn't thrilled about wearing a snow suite and snow boots but, once he got outside he recognized a purpose, or just forgot.
He is a natural in the snow and managed to walk down the ski run in snow boots 2 sizes too big and was very attracted to ski gear.
I am sure if they made gear his size he would insist we take him skiing.
Thanks to Clif Bar for such a great weekend and incredible new experience.
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