We have been whirlwinding through the last 2 months of adjusting to Momma being back to work, which has also included moving to the hip to new head quarters with ON SIGHT PRE-SCHOOL and CHILDCARE. More on Eric's first day in the next blog.
First things first and that is catching you up on what our favorite six-and-a-half- month- old -Noah is up to, and I do mean UP.
He is not only crawling with verve and vigor that matches his older brother's famous moves, but he is also sitting up and pulling up to his knees. AND he is also doing these downward dog-type-moves and sometimes looks like he is going to just bend up at the waist and stand up, but I think we have a few more weeks before he does that.
Most babies start to sit up using there hands in tripod fashion with their bum, hands, and legs. Not Noah. He decided to go hands free. He would hold his arms out straight trying to catch his balance and wobble from bum cheek to bum cheek. Just when you thought he might tip over his "core strength" would kick in voila! he was sitting. I wish we had video of this but I was so busy spotting him in case he went over and I couldn't free myself up to take the video.
I put Noah in his crib while I went downstairs to retrieve laundry from the dryer. I returned to Noah looking at me so proudly with his satisfied smile because he had grabbed the side of the crib and pulled himself up "pullup style" onto his knees. He was pleased as punch with himself and we soon lowered the crib down a notch.
Noah loves to explore and is always looking under things ie the couch to see what he can find. He has also begun the adventures in food and is enjoying a broader menu of apples, avocados, bananas, rice cereal, and sweet potatoes. All organic all the time around here.
That is the scoop.
Here is a lovely picture of the boys Skyping with Grandma & Grandpa while each of them is (already) trying to elbo the other one out of their way.
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