We better share with you some our fabulous Thanksgiving activities. These days Christmas season seems to start the day after Halloween making Thanksgiving complete overshadowed.
Thanksgiving (and the Pilgrims) really deserve to be the center of attention on their day. After all, we have so much to be thankful for.
This Thanksgiving we didn't need to ask every family member for a history and physical prior to our visit which really took a load off. Actually, it took A LOT of loads off. This holiday season starting with Turkey day we have been able to interact with the world pretty much like everyone else does and not shield Eric from every runny nose, cough, or otherwise especially since he is now the one with the runny nose. I can actually be in the same room with someone who has a cold with going into a panic. This is good news and has allowed us to enjoy the company of family and friends and let Eric really explore. He loves parties and now says, "Yeaahh, Party!" accompanied by many claps.
We spent Thanksgiving weekend at Oma and Opa's house on the lake. Uncle Susie (as Eric says, Uncle Mike, Maylen, and Sam were all present. Sam and Eric ran circles around each other and loved it. Here are some photos:
Grass Valley toy store with cousins
Early Christmas suitcases from Oma. Maylen is sporting the orange one
Watching movies with Maylen, Sam and Julia & CJ Hoever
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