Sunday, October 01, 2006

Free Right Arm

Yesterday the doctor decided it was time to remove the IV (central line) from Eric's right arm since he no longer needed the IV nutrition and had finished up his antibiotics. This is good news because this is one less place for infection. Now Eric can freely move his right arm without that darn blue pad on it (which kept his arm straight). Eric likes to stretch out from time to time so I am sure he is happy with this new range of motion.

In the photo below he has his right arm tucked underneath him so you can't really get a good look at it, but you can clearly see how happy he is with his big eyes looking in Mommy's direction.

We notice subtle changes in him every day. His hair is even long enough to get a little messy when he has his hat off. The nurses are going to begin fortifying my milk with more carbohydrates to give him a little calorie boost so he is sure to have all the energy he needs to grow.

Eric was very happy to see his Aunts and Uncles last week. Uncle Sean and Aunt Courtney ran some errands for us! Thank you! It was great to see everyone.


Anonymous said...

What great news!! Thanks for sharing. GA Kathy and GU Rick

Anonymous said...

Great to see and hear Eric is thriving. We miss you in Pod 1 and are keeping the vultures away from your desk.

Went to NYC and went to the pocketbook shop that has our favorite bags. Could not find one color/style that I was smitten over. Thought of you!

Let us know when you are up for visitors!

Anonymous said...

If you were to split the 13 cc's of milk in half, would the little guy get the same amounts of carbohydrates in each half?

Its great to see that the E's doing well.