Friday, September 15, 2006

The feeding begins

Now that Eric is on the ventilator his breathing is stable and they have begun feeding him Mom's milk. He gets a very small amount every 3 hours. This is such good news because he can now start "bulking up".

Little angel sleeping:

Daddy holds Eric's hand. (note that the head covering has been removed now; this is an older pic):


Anonymous said...

The picture of Daddy and Eric's hand is amazing!! I can't wait for Eric to bulk up. When he does there's gonna be a big long line to hug him.
Lots of love to all.
GA Kathy and GU Rick

Anonymous said...

Uh…I know this is not the appropriate forum to debate such subjects…but let’s set the record straight...Pod 1 loves Tara way more than Pod 2. They may be thinking about you guys as much as we are and as excited to meet Eric as we are but come on…they just don’t have the history we do.

Anyway, enough about us. Congrats Tara and Aaron! We look forward to more updates.

- Clif Bar Pod 1 member Ricardo

amy said...

Yea!! Time to bulk up little Eric. Go! Go! Go!

Amy & Denny

Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures Sir, your son is amazing

And congrats for one week old cute eric

Hey eric! This is a buddy from India

Keep posting eric pictiures sir
