Here's grandma visiting Eric while he is under the bili light (which helps prevent jaundice).
We've had lots of great support from family and friends! Thank you all so much. Tara's bro Sean and his girlfriend Courtney stayed with us and helped up through some tense moments last week. Susie and Sam paid us a visit on Sep. 8. Susie brought to us the wooden toy trains that my dad gave me when I was born. Sam certainly enjoyed playing with the choo-choo or "do-do" as he calls it.
Thinking of you! xoxo
Pod one!
You can not imagine how wonderful it is to check in on Eric's website and see all your faces pop up. It's not as good as being there but definitely second best!! Hang in there, you're in our thoughts constantly.
Lots and lots of love, GA Kathy and GU Rick
Sending great thoughts your way. What a precious little gem you have! Take each day with grace and keep pouring your love onto your little one. He's adorable.
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