Born only 26 weeks and 2 days into Tara's pregnancy, Eric is a real preemie but he is healthy and safe in the wonderful care of CPMC's Newborn ICU.
Eric's birth weight was 1 lb. 15 oz and he is 14 inches long. Mommy is doing well and has already started pumping milk to feed little E. He is so cute and very feisty. One of the biggest concerns for newborn preemies is their breathing. Eric came out crying, which was joy to our ears, and so far he has not once needed to be placed on a ventilator.
We can visit Eric at any time day or night and if all continues to go well with his development in the NICU, he could be able to come home in December.
We love him so much and we thank everyone for all the love and support.
love, Aaron and Tara
Congratulations! We love you!
Pod numero uno
Welcome to the world, Eric! We'll be thinking of you and your parents and know you are in good hands at CPMC. With love,
Laura (Wilson-Susie's friend), Josh and Bodie McDowell
Dear Aaron and Tara,
You and Baby Eric have been in our thoughts since we heard the news. He is in good hands at CPMC and I know first hand since my niece's twins were born there. Eric looks so tiny but we know that time will take care of that. He is sure to want to take on his cousin Sam one day. Crying on his entry into the world and each day that he works at breathing without a ventilator show what a will he has and how tough he really is. He is a Thies afterall--and a Dellolacono too! We will continue to keep you all in our thoughts and hope each day finds Eric gaining a bit of weight. Our love to all of you! Nath and Bill
Congratulations Theis Family!!!!!! Wowie:) I am so happy for you all!!!! Much love- a big hug for all your way! And from one premie to another - Hang tough Eric and show us what you've got little guy! You're a fighter little man:)! love Megs:)
Words can't express how excited we are for you guys. Welcome to the club. Life will never be the same again. Keep the pictures and updates coming and enjoy every moment. It goes fast!
Love Peter, Ellen and Audrey
Hello People,
What a beautiful little boy you have. Grandma...................
We are thinking of you and hope things continue to go well for everyone. Congratulations.
We love you Lorraine...........
Case Management at Benefis
Tara & Aaron:
You boy is so adorable and he seems to be in great care. Our thoughts for continued healthy progress are with you.
Steven Grossman
Hey sweetie - he's adorable! I'm sure he's a toughie just like mom! You can always call me if you want to chat. I'm thinking of you.
I am so happy to hear that Eric "passed" his tests with flying colors! What a trooper he is! So little, so cute! Congratulations--Eric is lucky to have you as parents.
What a strong lil' guy! He is amazing already. He is so handsome.
We cannot wait to meet him.
Love, Kristen, Chris and Caitlin Degnan
Congratulations to my favorite friends! We are so excited baby Eric has arrived and look forward to meeting this amazing little guy. Know that we are thinking of you out here on the east coast and wishing you all the best!!
Much love,
Danielle and Shane
Congratulations, to all you kids! We love you too! Probably even more than Pod 1!!! =)
Miss you and can't wait to see you all workin' your way through the office here to introduce Eric.
Observation: Eric is gunna be a rockstar at the dance clubs...he's already under the neon lights, workin' on his routine (unst-unst-unst).
Welcome Eric- you have captured the hearts of so many of us already! Congratulations to Tara and Aaron and the Thies and DellaIacono families. We all send our positive energy and love and can't wait to meet Eric in person soon.
Congradulations! We are so happy that your family has a new edition. Sounds like Eric is as tough as his mamma so we know he will grow big and strong.
We miss you Tara, take care of yourself and those boys!
Love another pod member!
Tara & Aaron,
Congratulations on little Eric! He is so adorable. It looks like you have an impressive little fighter on your hands:-) I can't wait to meet him and see him grow up. All my love and well wishes.
Heidi Ackerman
Grandma Lorraine you have such a precious tiny bundle. I just found out about him on Friday! Give him lots and lots of loves.
Lynn Ensley
Great things come in little packages. Best to you three!
Lin and Jerry Conrad
Dear Aaron and Tara,
Wow, what a way to enter.!! Congratulations and catch your sleep while you can.We are all thinking of you and Eric. Give him a kiss for Ruf and I. Will hopefully be out to see him before he grows up. Love to you. Keep us posted. Love, Ruf and Jody
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