Tuesday, June 21, 2011

15 Months and sooooo big

At Noah's 15 month check-up we found out many fun facts. He is bigger than the average 15 month old, weighing in at 24.6 pounds, reaching heights of 33 inches, and in the 93% for height and about 50% for weight. Tall guy. He has all his teeth and loves nothing more than to chomp down one most any and all fruit, meat, and cheese. Unlike Eric he has little interest in bread, crackers, cereal, BUT of course he LOVES Z Bars.

Noah is walking, walking everywhere and since his first birthday he has been doing laps around the house. Noah has increased the speed, which is one of the reasons for the lack of posts lately. Well that, and two parents who are at major crossroads in the career but that is another story. Chasing after Noah is a full time job no doubt.

This boy also has a lot to say and is really coming into his own as he learns to express himself more clearly. He uses sign language for please, milk, more, and all done and is so thrilled when you are able to guess what he is asking for, as if we are playing charades and you have finally got it.

Not only his he excellent at mimic sounds and tones of words he is also excellent and just spitting out words seemingly at random. We walked out the front door and he exclaimed "bike" and indeed, there was a man riding by the house on his bike. He says no, no in the most polite, soft spoken way and adds a shake of his head for emphasis. He also answers your questions with and very enthusiastic "yeah". "Noah, would you like more milk?" "Yeah!" head bobbing with a huge smile on his face.

He loves animals. Eric has shown little interest in animals but Noah is attracted to them. Bo the black lab next door will bark and we will hear him from  in our house and Noah will smile and so Bo while he points outside to the backyard. He chases pigeons relentlessly and had points out birds in the sky.

Noah loves to rough-house and that playful, brotherly love sort of way which is new to Aaron and I growing up with siblings of the opposite sex. This is not to say we each didn't have moments were we slugged our brother or sister. We just didn't do it for play.

Best of all Noah loves to be cozy and snuggle. His snuggle time is in the morning and the evening. He just wants to be held and loved and shows he love for you in overwhelming return.