Sunday, August 26, 2007

5th Year Anniversary

August 24th Aaron and I celebrated 5 amazing years of marriage. It has been 9 years since we met on Notre Dame in Santa Clara - Jen and Tony thought we might be weird enough for each other. Thanks for the enoucorage guys, because as you know, you were right.

Our adventurers are many, but what I have learned this year is that the real adventure is just being together, where ever that me be, doing or not doing, raising Eric, and growing our family.

Being together is timeless. I have already lost track of the years and every minute we have spent together seems like just


Anonymous said...

Congratulations and best wishes.
Don't forget, it's the journey, not the destination.... and...
we're back from the desert, hot, dusty, fun.
Eric looks better than ever... birthday coming up- number one!!
From one virgo to another... you go boy.
Lots of love. GA