Thursday, December 07, 2006

Getting Ready - added pics

We are busy getting ready to bring Eric home. Yesterday our power was shut off for several hours so the electrician could do some work. Remember the picture of the milk in the freezer? Well, we loaded a cooler and the hospital generously is storing it for us until the electrical work is complete. There are a lot of hours logged in that milk.

Eric passed his hearing test the other day and passed. He also had is regular visit from the eye doctor, Dr. Good, and everything looks good. We were pretty sure his hearing was good because he responds to our voices and other noises throughout the room. Yesterday they took his pulse oximeter off, which reads his oxygen saturation. So he no longer has the wire hooked to his foot. Free feet for the first time. Well, there was one other time they took it off and we got to walk around the nursery with no wires attached at all.

Today he will get his car seat test. They let him sit in the car seat for one hour to make sure it is in a good position for him. Aaron got him new car seat so he can ride in style. Eric will also get the circ before he comes home.

He as been given his first round of shots and will also be given something called synergist to help protect him from RSV, one of the causes of the common cold. Eric will not be allowed to have visitors for a while because if he catches anything it could put him back in the hospital so the doctors have told us to take precautions. We will all be home bound for a while with no visitors.

Until we are ready for Eric to meet everyone the best way for you all to see him, say hi to us, and keep intouch is by reading the blog and leaving us comments. We really enjoy reading everyone's comments and are so touched by how closely you all follow along. I cry when I think of how blessed we are to have so many wonderful friends and family members out there.

Here are so more cute pics. Eric loves to give hi-fives.


Anonymous said...

Every day now, good news. We are so excited for you thinking Eric may be home soon. A whole new chapter in this Eric, Tara and Aaron adventure. We can hardly wait to read each update. Thanks for keeping us in the loop online.
Lots of love, GA and GU

Anonymous said...

Tara and Aaron,
I love Eric's blog, thanks for sharing. I am so excited that you can bring him home in time for Christmas. What a wonderful Christmas gift. Maybe you both will get a little more rest. I know it takes a lot out of you running back and forth to the hospital. We did that when Randy was a baby. He was 15 months old and got Viral Encephalitis. He was only in the hopital half the time that Eric has been but it was still hard. I remember how exhausted we were. But it is definately worth it! Have the best Christmas ever.
Judy and Jack Deck

Anonymous said...

He's his Daddy's boy, a sports fan from the get-go, born doing the wave and high fives.
Lots of love, GA

Anonymous said...

We love little Eric so much from clear across the country!!! It has been wonderful watching his progress and watching him grow... we can't wait to meet him someday. Good luck with the big move home. I know he will do great.

We love you and think of you all the time!
Hugs and Kisses from Delaware,
Danielle and Shane

Anonymous said...

I haven't checked the blog in a while, and can't believe how much he's changed since I last saw his pictures. He's gotten so big and full of cute, rosey, baby color. He's gorgeous! I believe yesterday was the big day for the home coming. I was thinking about you, and how excited you must be to introduce him to his home. He's going to love it, and you guys are going to take such good care of him, and make him a very happy home. I look forward to meeting him someday soon.


Anonymous said...

I just heard from Susie that Eric is going home this weekend. What exciting news! Definitely the BEST Christmas present EVER! He has grown so much! We have enjoyed keeping up with Eric's achievements through the blog. Our love to all three of you! We'll watch for some Christmas pics of little Eric! Nath