Sunday, April 14, 2013

Winding down to wind up

Spring break has come to a close and tomorrow marks the day that we go back to the "routine". We had a week of no routines and it was just the liberation sanity ordered. Everyone has been delightfully happy (so long as Noah is fed every 90 minutes) and my sweet boys could not be sweeter.

I almost feel renewed. Now if I would have just gone to bed earlier I might just feel fully renewed.

Tomorrow it is back to school, back to base camp, back to work, and back to feeding, dressing, and herding these two boys out the door in the morning. The trick is going to be in maintaining schedules and logistics without getting sucked into a routine that stifles our attention to what is really important, each other.

The thing a liked most about my spring break was spending focused and free time with the ones I love.