Saturday, June 16, 2012


Since Noah began referring to his brother by name over a year ago (he started addressing Eric at age one) he has always replaced the "r" with double "g's" as in Eg-gic. Last week, at our leisurely Sunday morning breakfast, he went with the "w" instead of a double "g" and said "Ewic".

It was such a significant moment that will all paused and took note that he said Ewic. For the last week Eric has pretty much by Ewic. Today, however, I heard the ''w" sort of roll into and "r" .  He is working it.

Eric on the other hand, has taken special note of his brother's ever-growing ability to state how he feels or what he wants by using his words. Noah was setting up trains and cars right in the doorway to their bedroom and Eric blasts through. Noah quite clearly articulates, "Nooooo stay out of my way." Eric responds with, "Noah, good job using your words." It is so nice for Noah to have such a supportive big brother.