Friday, June 11, 2010

Look at Noah's cute eyes

Noah and I were sitting on the floor with Eric watching him play with his fire truck and their crew Bill, Trevor, and Mel. Mel is a female and Eric makes her lead driver in just about every rig he owns (dump truck, garbage truck, fire truck, flat bed, digger, and 4x4). Don't ask me why. Maybe it is because I am raising and equal opportunist. In the same breath he was using to script his work crew he moves in close and quickly to Noah and says, "Oh, look at Noah's cute eyes". I nearly cried. Then his next sentence is to tell me he likes me ear rings and that Annee (short for Rosanne - his teacher) also wears nice ear rings. In the last month Eric's communication skills have gone from choppy to crystal clear and he you know he is happy when he is jabbering.

Eric is really warming up (finally) to his role as big brother.Today he sat next to Noah, opened a book and began "reading" him a story that started like this "Once upon a time....".

Noah is growing by leaps and bounds and my shoulders are getting buff from carrying around this 14 pound person in his favorite spot, over my shoulder, most of the day.

Some of his latest milestones:

1) Discovering his hands - I love it when he throws them out like he is going to give you a big hug, meets his hands in the middle, watches them, and pulls them to his mouth studying them the whole time.

2) Rolling from back to front and front to back - to date only once but he meant it. He was nearly nude up at Oma and Opa's so maybe he was feeling free in the fresh air.

3) Strengthening his neck - he can almost hold it up without bobbling too much. He also likes to lift his head, legs, and bum off the floor all at the same time. In yogi speak we call this boat pose and I can barely do it.

4) Looking at shapes, patterns, little toys and trying to swat them with his hands and feet. He will also grasp a small rattle if I put it in his palm but after a few minutes will start to cry because he can't let go of it so swoop in and save the day.