Monday, August 17, 2009

Running & train tracks

Momma and running have a long-standing relationship. Running is something that I have always prefered to do alone, no music, no gadgets, and especially no gear. The beauty of running is that you can just go and go with nothing but your shoes and your will. When I was pregnant with Eric I stopped running and wasn't able to bring myself to pick it up again until we "re-calibrated" time and energy. I had worried that I could never "get it back" and be as fit as I was prior but I soon found that because of Eric I was a better runner and had a greater appreciation for its simplicity. The break was good for me. I started with a clean slate and had an entirley new appreciation for pounding feet on trails and pavement. It was pure indulgence to escape from the house long enough to run up the hill into the Presidio and look on the Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. Time kept me from running too much or too far (something I always tended towards). I would run home feeling satisfied and refreshed and still have the energy to play and take care of Eric because I didn't overdue it.

Now Eric is older and I am in the best running shape I have ever been in, which means I can run farther in less time, but Eric still keeps me in check. On the days his 25 pound body leads in the jogging stroller he will shout, "run Momma run, faster Momma faster" all the while knowing we are running to the beach where we will make train tracks in the sand and play like little engines. Running is so much more fun thanks to Eric.

Eric & Momma at the beach

A view of the Palace of Fine arts. One of the many postcard perfect views I am lucky enough to have on one of my favorite solo routes.