So I started this post a few weeks ago and here we are approaching the end of January already. So Happy New Year AND Happy Inauguration Day too.
Of course this has Momma reflecting on all that 2008 brought to us and all our family and friends. Eric has made major strides this year and I have attempted to list as many as I can think of (in no specific order because if I have to apply order I will never get this posted) and is by no means all inclusive:
1) Mastered walking
2) Identified every single garbage can within sight in San Francisco
3) Speaking two languages
4) Took two trips on an airplane 1st to Boston & 2nd to Spokane
5) Took a road trip to Portland
6) Saw snow and skiers in Tahoe
7) Met is Great Nana Mary and Great Papa Ralph for the first time
8) Camped overnight at Castle Craggs
9) Got to know his cousins: Sam, Maylen, Dylann, and Madison
10) Went hiking in Glacier Park
11) Attended two weddings that Momma was in
12) Attended his first day care classes in San Francisco (didn't go well)
13) Watched hundreds of garbage truck and Odwalla delivary trucks on 17th avenue
14) Attended the Montana Annual Wood Carvers Convention with Grandma and Grandpa in Glacier Park
15) Played at two different water parks
16) Learned to hold his own against dogs: Semi, Barney, Buffy, Rocky, and Howie. "Down Barney, down
17) Learned to go down the slide all by himself
18) Began enjoying the arts with his first visit to the Chihuly exhibit at the De Young
19) Began particpating in the arts by drawing with crayons
20) Learned to count to ten in English and Spanish
21) Learned his A B C's
22) Reached the 25 pound mark
23) Caught up to his birth age
24) Adjusted to some big changes: new house, new neighborhood, the move, full-time Maria care to full-time day care.
26)His first bike ride
27) Saying momma
28) Giving high fives & knuckles
29) Learning the names of all the Thomas the Train characters
30) Sleeping through the night - most of the time
31) Attending his first baseball game
33) Going to the Grocery store for the first time (remember, these are big milestones when you start out being shelter from every cough, sneeze, and runny nose out there)
34) Playing in the snow at Tahoe & riding the gondola at North star
I could go on an on. We have had a really good year and are full of gratitude for every moment. 2008 was a special year of growing and learning and moving on. Eric's energy and enthusiasm for everything, often all at the same time (Jack Karouac fans does this sound familiar?) is precious and us thrust is into 2009 game for more.
"They dance down the streets like dingledodies, and shambled I shambled after them as I’ve shambled after people all my life, after people who interest me, because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desires of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a common place thing, but burn burn burn like the fabulous roman candle exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes “awww”?!"