Saturday, November 26, 2011

Recent activities

Building tours out of CLIF KID Z Fruit boxes

Visiting Chico and watching Momma and Uncle Sean run the Almond Bowl Half-Marathon

Eric and Sean hangin'

Enjoying fresh air at Crab Cove even with stuffy noses and with Dad away on is first day at the new job.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Language leeps

For about a month now Noah has been able to say Eric's name - Eggick
Last night we heard Noah also say his first complete sentence " I want a bear". I was awe struck. He clearly spoke English and expressed his need without question. Impressive for 21 months. By the way, his request was for a bear is his gummie vitamin bear.

Noah loves his brother. Watching them laugh with each other and play and now even talk with each other is one of my greatest joys. Of course with that "admiration" for one another comes the desire to play with whatever it is the other is playing with. Eric will be quietly playing with a train for example and in walks Noah with a truck, which triggers Eric to drop the train and plead for the truck. The pleading turns to screaming and Noah just revels in that outcome jeering him and running from him.

Noah has also begun to anticipate that Eric will want something and he will begin screaming for it before it is even in sight. For example, the one drawing board we have has been a hot item in our house. Noah brought it with him in the car and was told to leave it in the car. When returning to the car Noah started screaming for it when he realized Eric was getting in first and would consequently get the drawing board first. Guess what someone is getting from Santa, another drawing board.


I figured I would open the Thanksgiving post with a Halloween photo since I have not yet made mention of Halloween, of which there is plenty of content.

Eric was once again the best Batman around in his specially made costume made by Grandma in record time.

 Noah made an equally as cute scarecrow as his brother did two years ago. The scarecrow costume was originally worn by Elliott, the son of Momma's dear friend Stephanie. The hat Noah is wearing is of the original Elliott costume, but the overalls and plaid shirt are new for Noah.

Both Noah and Eric loved there costumes. Eric was a bit hesitant about his bat hood but once he saw other batmen around town he was all over it. Noah was pleased party punch to wear his hat and would request "halp" putting it on when it fell off.

Our neighborhood is known for prime trick or treating and Eric is always happier to give than receive. We passed out around 350 CLIF KID Z Bars and CLIF KID Z Fruit, which is about 250 less than last year but it was a Monday night after all.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Noah knows style

Noah knows. He pointed to the items he liked and said "oooh and nice".

All while eating his breakfast. Momma is so proud!

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Worth the wait

Here are some great pictures from the activities in the month long celebration we seemed to have of Eric turning FIVE (yeah it took me two months to get the pictures uploaded so there. We are too busy having fun)!

Highlights included:
Double chocolate Timmy Lincecum birthday cake made by Mom
Cowboy Jared Birthday Party  at school
Celebrating at Ryan's birthday of Ryan turning FIVE - with Ryan & Spencer!
Lego City Fire Station
Birthday weekend of Lake Wildwood fun at Oma & Opa's
Birthday A's baseball game with Mom (played hookey after collecting cans for the food bank)