Saturday, March 31, 2007


Last week we had our first family social occasion and headed up to Spencer Brown's house for dinner. We met the Brown's in the NICU. Spencer was born the day after Eric and was also less than two pounds. He is doing fabulous.

It was also Eric's first car ride at night. Before falling asleep he was very intersted in all the lights. It was also Eric's first Bay Area rush hour traffic experience, a perfect opportunity for a nap while Dad tried hard not to swear at fellow drivers.

Dad and Eric all dressed for the ride and dinner

Friday, March 30, 2007

Giggles & cries

So the other day Eric had a poopy diaper leak. It smeared down his leg and on his cute outfit. I am embarrassed to say how many wipes I used and still managed to get it under my finger nails. With all my quick movements I must have startled Eric because he got so upset with me that he cried through the whole clean-up process until I finally got him dressed and he fell asleep.

This is his "I-see-you-with-that-camera" look

Eric is getting some muscle and is able to hold himself up on his tummy for a little bit and, if he is in a good mood, roll over onto his back. He is also getting more aggressive with his bottle and likes to push it back in when we take it out to burp. He is also starting to reach out for toys and things thay we put in front of him. He loves anything with big eyeballs. His favorite animal in his Baby Animal book is the cow. He gets very excited when we turn the page and the cow, with is big eyes, is mooing at him.

Dad and Eric go into the backyard to fresh air. Dad is starting early teaching Eric about gardening and native plants. Soon Eric will love pulling weeds as much as his Dad.

The other day while I was washing Eric's hair he broke out in the best laughs. He was surprising himself and mom with the best giggles and belly chuckles. This went on for about 5 minutes. Of course he stopped laughing the second Aaron came in with the video camera.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Day at the Beach

For some reason I couldn't get this picture to up in the previous post.

Here are Eric and Dad at China Beach on a very rare warm day. We saw plenty of interesting sunbathers including an one older gentlemen in his zebra print, granny style speedos, and another his Hanes-his-way with white long hair (on his head) contrasting very even dark tan. Where do you get a tan like that in Northern California?

Anyway here is a photo of the cutest guys at the beach.

Today a developmental nurse practitioner came over and did an assessment of Eric, and it is as we suspected. He is brilliant and doing everything a (adjusted) 3 month old should be doing and more. Through regional state program he will be followed by the nurse practitioner for several months with visits about every 2 months or so. We knew he was an advanced finger sucker long before she pointed it out, and he is already very good at reading picture books, and oh such a great listener.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Outings, laughs, and toys

We have had very nice weather and have been able to get out a bit. Eric had his first trip tp the beach. We went to China Beach, a smaller beach in the Sea Cliff neighborhood. He didn't actually get out on the sand because our stroller isn't quite up to that.

At our last pediatrician appointment Eric weight 10 pounds 14 oz. He has gorgeous chubby thighs, arms, and a beautiful belly. We are guessing he is over 11 pounds now. His hair is growing back in and looks to be a golden blonde but we aren't too sure yet. His feet get bigger everyday too, and his toes are, as we expected, quite long. Given the length of Mom and Dad's monkey toes what could you expect.

Eric loves to smile and is starting to babble with us a bit more. We have this bright yellow smiley face magnet on the fridge that really gets him going. He smiles at, laughs, and talks to it. He also has been laughing in his sleep, which is the cutest.

He is also starting to grab on to things. I have him holding a rattle. I am not sure he knows he is holding something but he certainly has a good grip on it and shakes it around.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

First Shwag

How excited we are about Eric's first CLIF shwag......

Too cool

Ah yeah

Love it


Saturday, March 03, 2007

Play time

Here are some pics of play time with Dad. Eric smiles all day long unless he is hungry or tired and even then he sometimes alternately smiles and cries. He is a very happy guy. We have been having lots of fun conversations with him. One if his favorite place to play is on the changing table - I think it is because he loves to have us looking right over the top of him.

Yesterday was a big adventure for Mom and Eric. We ventured out of our "backyard" and over to Mill Valley where we met Sharen and Spencer Brown along with two of their wonderful nurses, Kathy and Jo. Jo too a PTO day to come over and meet us. We had a lot of fun. I was so distracted being out and about that I only took one picture. It was a gorgeous day and we stayed outside and strolled around window shopping. Here is Kathy and Eric saying hello to each other.